Sprite 1984 - 1993
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/* vmSeg.c -
* This file contains routines that manage the segment table. It
* has routines to allocate, free, expand, and copy segments. The
* segment table structure and the lists that run through the segment
* table are described in vmInt.h.
* Copyright (C) 1985 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /sprite/src/kernel/vm/RCS/vmSeg.c,v 9.13 91/05/30 15:19:07 kupfer Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif not lint
#include <sprite.h>
#include <vm.h>
#include <vmInt.h>
#include <vmTrace.h>
#include <lock.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <sys.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <bstring.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <machparam.h>
Boolean vm_NoStickySegments = FALSE; /* TRUE if sticky segments
* are disabled. */
Vm_Segment *vm_SysSegPtr; /* The system segment. */
static Vm_Segment *segmentTable; /* The table of segments. */
Vm_SharedSegTable sharedSegTable; /* Table of shared segs. */
* Free, inactive and dead segment lists.
static List_Links freeSegListHdr;
static List_Links inactiveSegListHdr;
static List_Links deadSegListHdr;
#define freeSegList (&freeSegListHdr)
#define inactiveSegList (&inactiveSegListHdr)
#define deadSegList (&deadSegListHdr)
* Condition to wait on when waiting for a code segment to be set up.
Sync_Condition codeSegCondition;
extern Vm_Segment **Fs_RetSegPtr();
static void DeleteSeg _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
static void CleanSegment _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
static void FillSegmentInfo();
static ReturnStatus AddToSeg _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr,
int firstPage, int lastPage, int newNumPages, VmSpace newSpace,
VmSpace *oldSpacePtr));
void Fsio_StreamCopy();
#ifdef sequent
int vmNumSegments = 512;
#else /* sequent */
int vmNumSegments = 256;
#endif /* sequent */
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VmSegTableAlloc --
* Allocate the segment table.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Segment table allocated.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (vmMaxMachSegs > 0) {
if (vmMaxMachSegs < vmNumSegments) {
vmNumSegments = vmMaxMachSegs;
segmentTable =
(Vm_Segment *) Vm_BootAlloc(sizeof(Vm_Segment) * vmNumSegments);
bzero((Address)segmentTable, vmNumSegments * sizeof(Vm_Segment));
vm_SysSegPtr = &(segmentTable[VM_SYSTEM_SEGMENT]);
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VmSegTableInit --
* Initialize the segment table.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Segment table initialized plus all segment lists.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int i;
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
* Initialize the free, inactive and dead segment lists.
List_Init((List_Links *)&sharedSegTable);
* Initialize the segment table. The kernel gets the system segment and
* the rest of the segments go onto the segment free list.
vm_SysSegPtr->refCount = 1;
vm_SysSegPtr->type = VM_SYSTEM;
vm_SysSegPtr->offset = (unsigned int)mach_KernStart >> vmPageShift;
vm_SysSegPtr->flags = 0;
vm_SysSegPtr->numPages = vmFirstFreePage;
vm_SysSegPtr->resPages = vmFirstFreePage;
vm_SysSegPtr->traceTime = 0x7fffffff;
for (i = 0, segPtr = segmentTable; i < vmNumSegments; i++, segPtr++) {
segPtr->filePtr = (Fs_Stream *)NIL;
segPtr->swapFilePtr = (Fs_Stream *)NIL;
segPtr->segNum = i;
segPtr->cowInfoPtr = (VmCOWInfo *)NIL;
segPtr->procList = (List_Links *) &(segPtr->procListHdr);
segPtr->ptPtr = (Vm_PTE *)NIL;
segPtr->machPtr = (VmMach_SegData *)NIL;
segPtr->flags = VM_SEG_FREE;
List_Insert((List_Links *) segPtr, LIST_ATREAR(freeSegList));
static Vm_Segment *FindCode _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *filePtr, VmProcLink *procLinkPtr, Boolean *usedFilePtr));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Vm_FindCode --
* Search the segment table for a code segment that has a matching
* filePtr. Call internal routine to do the work.
* Results:
* A pointer to the matching segment if one is found, NIL if none found.
* Side effects:
* Memory allocated, *execInfoPtrPtr may be set to point to exec info, and
* *userFilePtr is set to TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the filePtr
* is used. If the segment couldn't be found, the file is marked
* to show that we're in the process of setting a segment up.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY Vm_Segment *
Vm_FindCode(filePtr, procPtr, execInfoPtrPtr, usedFilePtr)
Fs_Stream *filePtr; /* Stream for the object file. */
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* Process for which segment is being
* allocated. */
Vm_ExecInfo **execInfoPtrPtr;/* Where to return relevant info from
* the a.out header. */
Boolean *usedFilePtr; /* TRUE => Had to use the file pointer.
* FALSE => didn't have to use it. */
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
register VmProcLink *procLinkPtr;
procLinkPtr = (VmProcLink *) malloc(sizeof(VmProcLink));
procLinkPtr->procPtr = procPtr;
segPtr = FindCode(filePtr, procLinkPtr, usedFilePtr);
if (segPtr == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
free((Address) procLinkPtr);
} else {
*execInfoPtrPtr = &segPtr->execInfo;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* FindCode --
* Search the segment table for a code segment that has a matching
* filePtr. If one can be found, then increment the reference count
* and return a pointer to the segment. If one can't be found then
* mark the file so that subsequent calls to this routine will wait
* until this code segment is initialized.
* Results:
* A pointer to the matching segment if one is found, NIL if none found.
* Side effects:
* If a matching segment is found its reference count is incremented.
* *usedFilePtr is set to TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the filePtr
* needs to be used for the code segment or not.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY static Vm_Segment *
FindCode(filePtr, procLinkPtr, usedFilePtr)
Fs_Stream *filePtr; /* The unique identifier for this file
(if any) */
VmProcLink *procLinkPtr; /* Used to put calling process into
* list of processes using this
* segment. */
Boolean *usedFilePtr; /* TRUE => Had to use the file pointer.
* FALSE => didn't have to use it. */
register Vm_Segment **segPtrPtr;
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
ClientData fileHandle;
*usedFilePtr = FALSE;
fileHandle = Fs_GetFileHandle(filePtr);
assert(((unsigned int) fileHandle & WORD_ALIGN_MASK) == 0);
segPtrPtr = Fs_GetSegPtr(fileHandle);
if (vm_NoStickySegments || *segPtrPtr == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
* There is no segment associated with this file. Set the value to
* 0 so that we will know that we are about to set up this
* association.
* XXX - if vm_NoStickySegments is TRUE, then we don't check
* whether there is really a segment associated with the file,
* so code segments will apparently never be shared. Is this
* really what we want? Can it cause a code segment leak?
*segPtrPtr = (Vm_Segment *) 0;
segPtr = (Vm_Segment *) NIL;
} else if (*segPtrPtr == (Vm_Segment *) 0) {
* Someone is already trying to allocate this segment. Wait for
* them to finish.
(void)Sync_Wait(&codeSegCondition, FALSE);
goto again;
} else {
segPtr = *segPtrPtr;
if (segPtr->flags & VM_SEG_INACTIVE) {
if (segPtr->fileHandle != fileHandle) {
panic("FindCode: segFileData != fileHandle\n");
* The segment is inactive, so delete it from the inactive
* list.
List_Remove((List_Links *) segPtr);
segPtr->flags &= ~VM_SEG_INACTIVE;
segPtr->filePtr = filePtr;
*usedFilePtr = TRUE;
* Put the process into list of processes sharing this segment.
List_Insert((List_Links *) procLinkPtr,
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Vm_InitCode --
* Set the association between the file pointer and the segment. Also
* set the exec information info for the segment. If the segment is
* NIL then any processes waiting for the file handle are awakened and
* state is cleaned up.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Exec info filled in and file pointers segment pointer filled in.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY void
Vm_InitCode(filePtr, segPtr, execInfoPtr)
Fs_Stream *filePtr; /* File for code segment. */
register Vm_Segment *segPtr; /* Segment that is being initialized. */
Vm_ExecInfo *execInfoPtr; /* Information needed to exec this
* object file. */
register Vm_Segment **segPtrPtr;
char *fileNamePtr;
int length;
ClientData fileHandle;
fileHandle = Fs_GetFileHandle(filePtr);
assert(((unsigned int) fileHandle & WORD_ALIGN_MASK) == 0);
segPtrPtr = Fs_GetSegPtr(fileHandle);
if (*segPtrPtr != (Vm_Segment *) 0) {
printf("Warning: Vm_InitCode: Seg ptr = %x\n", *segPtrPtr);
*segPtrPtr = segPtr;
if (segPtr == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
* The caller doesn't want to set up any association between the file
* and the segment. In this case cleanup state, i.e., notify any
* other processes that might be waiting for the caller (our
* process) to finish the association.
* XXX - Notice that this is the only place where there is a
* wakeup on codeSegCondition. If the caller completes the
* association and there are processes waiting, these
* processes won't get notified until some other process kills
* a partial association.
} else {
extern char *Fsutil_GetFileName();
segPtr->execInfo = *execInfoPtr;
segPtr->fileHandle = Fs_GetFileHandle(filePtr);
fileNamePtr = Fsutil_GetFileName(filePtr);
if (fileNamePtr != (char *)NIL) {
length = strlen(fileNamePtr);
if (length >= VM_OBJ_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) {
(void)strncpy(segPtr->objFileName, fileNamePtr, length);
segPtr->objFileName[length] = '\0';
} else {
segPtr->objFileName[0] = '\0';
* Vm_FileChanged --
* This routine is called by the file system when it detects that a
* file has been opened for writing. If the file corresponds to
* an unused sticky code segment, the segment will be marked as
* deleted.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Segment entry may be marked as deleted and put onto the
* dead segment list.
ENTRY void
Vm_Segment **segPtrPtr;
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
segPtr = *segPtrPtr;
if (segPtr != (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
if (segPtr->refCount != 0) {
panic("Vm_FileChanged: In use code seg modified.\n");
List_Move((List_Links *) segPtr, LIST_ATREAR(deadSegList));
*segPtrPtr = (Vm_Segment *) NIL;
segPtr->fileHandle = (ClientData) NIL;
static void GetNewSegment _ARGS_((int type, Fs_Stream *filePtr, int fileAddr, int numPages, int offset, Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, VmSpace *spacePtr, Vm_Segment **segPtrPtr, Boolean *deletePtr));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Vm_SegmentNew --
* Allocate a new segment from the segment table.
* Results:
* A pointer to the new segment is returned if a free segment
* is available. If no free segments are available, then NIL is returned.
* Side effects:
* Memory is allocated.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vm_Segment *
Vm_SegmentNew(type, filePtr, fileAddr, numPages, offset, procPtr)
int type; /* The type of segment that this is */
Fs_Stream *filePtr; /* The unique identifier for this file
(if any) */
int fileAddr; /* The address where the segments image
begins in the object file. */
int numPages; /* Initial size of segment (in pages) */
int offset; /* At which page from the beginning of
the VAS that this segment begins */
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* Process for which the segment is
being allocated. */
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
VmSpace space;
Boolean deleteSeg;
space.procLinkPtr = (VmProcLink *) malloc(sizeof(VmProcLink));
if (type == VM_CODE) {
space.ptPtr = (Vm_PTE *) malloc(sizeof(Vm_PTE) * numPages);
space.ptSize = numPages;
} else {
space.ptSize = ((numPages - 1) / vmPageTableInc + 1) * vmPageTableInc;
space.ptPtr = (Vm_PTE *) malloc(sizeof(Vm_PTE) * space.ptSize);
segPtr = (Vm_Segment *)NIL;
GetNewSegment(type, filePtr, fileAddr, numPages, offset,
procPtr, &space, &segPtr, &deleteSeg);
if (segPtr != (Vm_Segment *)NIL) {
if (deleteSeg) {
* We have to recycle a code segment before we can allocate a new
* segment.
GetNewSegment(type, filePtr, fileAddr, numPages, offset,
procPtr, &space, &segPtr, &deleteSeg);
} else {
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* GetNewSegment --
* Allocate a new segment from the segment table and return a pointer
* to it in *segPtrPtr. If the new segment corresponds to a dead or
* inactive code segment, then *deletePtr will be set to TRUE and the
* caller must cleanup the segment that we returned and call us again
* with *segPtrPtr pointing to the segment that we returned.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* *segPtrPtr is set to point to a segment in the segment table to
* use for the new segment. If no segments are available then *segPtrPtr
* is set to NIL.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY static void
GetNewSegment(type, filePtr, fileAddr, numPages, offset, procPtr,
spacePtr, segPtrPtr, deletePtr)
int type; /* The type of segment that this is */
Fs_Stream *filePtr; /* Object file stream. */
int fileAddr; /* The address where the segments image
* begins in the object file. */
int numPages; /* The number of pages that this segment
* initially has. */
int offset; /* At which page from the beginning of
* the VAS that this segment begins */
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* Process for which the segment is
* being allocated. */
VmSpace *spacePtr; /* Memory to be used for this segment.*/ Boolean *deletePtr; /* TRUE if have to delete a segment*/
Vm_Segment **segPtrPtr; /* IN/OUT parameter: On input if
* non-nil then this segment should
* be used. On output is the segment
* to use. */
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
register VmProcLink *procLinkPtr;
if (*segPtrPtr == (Vm_Segment *)NIL) {
if (!List_IsEmpty(deadSegList)) {
* If there is a dead code segment then use it so that we can free
* up things.
segPtr = (Vm_Segment *) List_First(deadSegList);
*deletePtr = TRUE;
} else if (!List_IsEmpty(freeSegList)) {
* If there is a free segment then use it.
segPtr = (Vm_Segment *) List_First(freeSegList);
*deletePtr = FALSE;
} else if (!List_IsEmpty(inactiveSegList)) {
* Inactive segment is available so use it.
segPtr = (Vm_Segment *) List_First(inactiveSegList);
*deletePtr = TRUE;
} else {
* No segments are available so return a NIL pointer in *segPtrPtr.
*segPtrPtr = (Vm_Segment *)NIL;
List_Remove((List_Links *) segPtr);
*segPtrPtr = segPtr;
} else {
segPtr = *segPtrPtr;
*deletePtr = FALSE;
if (!*deletePtr) {
* Initialize the new segment.
segPtr->fileHandle = (ClientData) NIL;
segPtr->flags = 0;
segPtr->refCount = 1;
segPtr->filePtr = filePtr;
segPtr->fileAddr = fileAddr;
segPtr->numPages = numPages;
segPtr->numCORPages = 0;
segPtr->numCOWPages = 0;
segPtr->type = type;
segPtr->offset = offset;
segPtr->swapFileName = (char *) NIL;
segPtr->ptPtr = spacePtr->ptPtr;
segPtr->ptSize = spacePtr->ptSize;
bzero((Address)segPtr->ptPtr, segPtr->ptSize * sizeof(Vm_PTE));
* If this is a stack segment, the page table grows backwards.
* Therefore all of the extra page table that we allocated must be
* taken off of the offset where the stack was supposed to begin.
if (segPtr->type == VM_STACK) {
segPtr->offset = mach_LastUserStackPage - segPtr->ptSize + 1;
* Put the process into the list of processes sharing this segment.
procLinkPtr = spacePtr->procLinkPtr;
procLinkPtr->procPtr = procPtr;
List_Insert((List_Links *) procLinkPtr, LIST_ATFRONT(segPtr->procList));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VmSegmentDeleteInt --
* This routine will decrement the reference count for the given segment
* and return a status to the caller to tell them what action to
* take.
* Results:
* VM_DELETE_SEG - The segment should be deleted.
* VM_CLOSE_OBJ_FILE - Don't delete the segment, but close the file
* containing the code for the segment.
* VM_DELETE_NOTHING - Don't do anything.
* Side effects:
* The segment table for the given segment is modified, the list of
* processes sharing this segment is modified and the inactive list
* may be modified. *objStreamPtrPtr is set to point to the object
* file to close if the status is VM_CLOSE_OBJ_FILE. *procLinkPtrPtr
* is set to point to the proc link info struct to free.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY VmDeleteStatus
VmSegmentDeleteInt(segPtr, procPtr, procLinkPtrPtr, objStreamPtrPtr, migFlag)
register Vm_Segment *segPtr; /* Pointer to segment to
delete. */
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* Process that was using
this segment. */
VmProcLink **procLinkPtrPtr;/* Pointer to proc link info
* to free. */
Fs_Stream **objStreamPtrPtr;/* Pointer to object file
* stream to close. */
Boolean migFlag; /* TRUE if segment is being
migrated. */
VmProcLink *procLinkPtr;
* If the segment is not being migrated, then procPtr refers to a process
* in the list of processes sharing the segment. Remove this process from
* the list of processes and make sure that the space is freed.
if (!migFlag) {
procLinkPtr = (VmProcLink *)
List_First((List_Links *) segPtr->procList);
while (procPtr != procLinkPtr->procPtr) {
if (List_IsAtEnd(segPtr->procList, (List_Links *) procLinkPtr)) {
dprintf("Warning: segment %x not on shared seg. list\n",
dprintf("Want: %x (%x)\nHave:\n",(int)procLinkPtr->procPtr,
procLinkPtr = (VmProcLink *)
List_First((List_Links *) segPtr->procList);
do {
dprintf(" %x (%x)\n",(int)(procLinkPtr->procPtr),
procLinkPtr = (VmProcLink *) List_Next((List_Links *) procLinkPtr);
} while (!List_IsAtEnd(segPtr->procList, (List_Links *) procLinkPtr));
"VmSegmentDeleteInt: Could not find segment on shared",
"segment list.\n");
procLinkPtr = (VmProcLink *) List_Next((List_Links *) procLinkPtr);
List_Remove((List_Links *) procLinkPtr);
*procLinkPtrPtr = procLinkPtr;
} else {
*procLinkPtrPtr = (VmProcLink *)NIL;
if (segPtr->refCount > 0) {
* The segment is still being used so there is nothing to do.
while (segPtr->ptUserCount > 0 ) {
dprintf("VmSegmentDeleteInt: ptUserCount = %d\n",segPtr->ptUserCount);
* Wait until all users of the page tables of this segment are gone.
* The only remaining users of a deleted segment would be
* prefetch processes.
(void)Sync_Wait(&segPtr->condition, FALSE);
dprintf("VmSegmentDeleteInt: done waiting\n");
if (segPtr->type == VM_SHARED) {
Vm_SharedSegTable *sharedSeg;
int found;
found = 0;
dprintf("Removing sharedSegTable entry\n");
LIST_FORALL((List_Links *)&sharedSegTable,(List_Links *)sharedSeg) {
if (sharedSeg->segPtr == segPtr) {
List_Remove((List_Links *)sharedSeg);
found = 1;
if (!found) {
dprintf("Danger! shared segment not found on list!\n");
} else {
dprintf("VmSegmentDeleteInt: shared segment removed\n");
if (!vm_NoStickySegments && segPtr->type == VM_CODE &&
!(segPtr->flags & (VM_DEBUGGED_SEG | VM_SEG_IO_ERROR))) {
* Put onto the inactive list and tell our caller to close the
* object file.
segPtr->flags |= VM_SEG_INACTIVE;
*objStreamPtrPtr = segPtr->filePtr;
segPtr->filePtr = (Fs_Stream *) NIL;
List_Insert((List_Links *) segPtr, LIST_ATREAR(inactiveSegList));
} else {
* Otherwise tell our caller to delete us.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VmPutOnFreeSegList --
* Put the given segment onto the end of the segment free list.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Segment put onto end of segment free list.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY void
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
segPtr->flags = VM_SEG_FREE;
List_Insert((List_Links *) segPtr, LIST_ATREAR(freeSegList));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Vm_SegmentDelete --
* This routine will delete the given segment by calling a monitored
* routine to do most of the work. Since the calls to the memory
* allocator must be done at non-monitor level, if the resources for
* this segment must be released then the calls to the machine dependent
* routine that uses the memory allocator are done here at non-monitored
* level.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vm_SegmentDelete(segPtr, procPtr)
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr;
VmDeleteStatus status;
VmProcLink *procLinkPtr;
Fs_Stream *objStreamPtr;
status = VmSegmentDeleteInt(segPtr, procPtr, &procLinkPtr, &objStreamPtr,
if (status == VM_DELETE_SEG) {
} else if (status == VM_CLOSE_OBJ_FILE) {
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DeleteSeg --
* Actually delete a segment. This includes freeing all memory
* resources for the segment and calling machine dependent cleanup.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Allocated resources freed in the give segment and the pointers
* in the segment are set to NIL.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
if (vm_CanCOW) {
VmCOWDeleteFromSeg(segPtr, -1, -1);
segPtr->ptPtr = (Vm_PTE *)NIL;
if (segPtr->filePtr != (Fs_Stream *)NIL) {
segPtr->filePtr = (Fs_Stream *)NIL;
if (segPtr->flags & VM_SWAP_FILE_OPENED) {
VmSwapFileRemove(segPtr->swapFilePtr, segPtr->swapFileName);
segPtr->swapFilePtr = (Fs_Stream *)NIL;
segPtr->swapFileName = (char *)NIL;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* CleanSegment --
* Do monitor level state cleanup for a deleted segment.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* All pages allocated to the segment are freed.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY static void
register Vm_Segment *segPtr; /* Pointer to the segment to be
* cleaned */
register Vm_PTE *ptePtr;
register int i;
Vm_VirtAddr virtAddr;
Vm_Segment **segPtrPtr;
segPtr->flags |= VM_SEG_DEAD;
virtAddr.segPtr = segPtr;
virtAddr.sharedPtr = (Vm_SegProcList *)NIL;
if (segPtr->type == VM_STACK) {
virtAddr.page = mach_LastUserStackPage - segPtr->numPages + 1;
} else {
virtAddr.page = segPtr->offset;
ptePtr = VmGetPTEPtr(segPtr, virtAddr.page);
if (segPtr->fileHandle != (ClientData) NIL) {
* This segment is associated with a file. Find out which one and
* break the connection.
segPtrPtr = Fs_GetSegPtr(segPtr->fileHandle);
*segPtrPtr = (Vm_Segment *) NIL;
segPtr->fileHandle = (ClientData) NIL;
* Free all pages that this segment has in real memory.
for (i = segPtr->numPages;
i > 0;
i--, VmIncPTEPtr(ptePtr, 1), virtAddr.page++) {
if (*ptePtr & VM_PHYS_RES_BIT) {
VmMach_PageInvalidate(&virtAddr, Vm_GetPageFrame(*ptePtr),
segPtr->resPages = 0;
static Boolean StartDelete _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr, int firstPage, int *lastPagePtr));
static ReturnStatus EndDelete _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr, int firstPage, int lastPage));
* Vm_DeleteFromSeg --
* Take the range of virtual page numbers for the given heap segment,
* invalidate them, make them unaccessible and make the segment
* smaller if necessary.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
Vm_DeleteFromSeg(segPtr, firstPage, lastPage)
Vm_Segment *segPtr; /* The segment whose pages are being
invalidated. */
int firstPage; /* The first page to invalidate */
int lastPage; /* The second page to invalidate. */
* The deletion of virtual pages from the segment is done in two
* phases. First the copy-on-write dependencies are cleaned up and
* then the rest of the pages are cleaned up. This requires some
* synchronization. The problem is that during and after cleaning up
* the copy-on-write dependencies, page faults and copy-on-write forks
* in the segment must be prevented since cleanup is done at non-monitor
* level. This is done by using the VM_PT_EXCL_ACC flag. When this flag
* is set page faults and forks are blocked because they are unable
* to get access to the page tables until the exclusive access flag
* is cleared. This flag is set by StartDelete and cleared by EndDelete.
* The flag is looked at by VmVirtAddrParse (the routine that is called
* before any page fault can occur on the segment) and by IncPTUserCount
* (the routine that is called when a segment is duplicated for a fork).
if (!StartDelete(segPtr, firstPage, &lastPage)) {
* Rid the segment of all copy-on-write dependencies.
VmCOWDeleteFromSeg(segPtr, firstPage, lastPage);
return(EndDelete(segPtr, firstPage, lastPage));
* StartDelete --
* Set things up to delete pages from a segment. This involves grabbing
* exclusive access to the page tables for the segment.
* Results:
* FALSE if there is nothing to delete from this segment.
* Side effects:
* Page table user count incremented and exclusive access grabbed on
* the page tables.
ENTRY static Boolean
StartDelete(segPtr, firstPage, lastPagePtr)
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
int firstPage;
int *lastPagePtr;
Boolean retVal;
int lastSegPage;
while (segPtr->ptUserCount > 0) {
(void) Sync_Wait(&segPtr->condition, FALSE);
* If the beginning address falls past the end of the heap segment
* then there is nothing to do so return. If the ending address
* falls past the end of the heap segment then it must be rounded
* down and the segment made smaller.
lastSegPage = segPtr->offset + segPtr->numPages - 1;
if (firstPage <= lastSegPage) {
if (*lastPagePtr >= lastSegPage) {
*lastPagePtr = lastSegPage;
* Make sure that no one expands or shrinks the segment while
* we are expanding it.
segPtr->ptUserCount = 1;
segPtr->flags |= VM_PT_EXCL_ACC;
retVal = TRUE;
} else {
retVal = FALSE;
* EndDelete --
* Clean up after a delete has finished.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Page table user count decremented, exclusive access on the page tables
* is released and the segment size may be shrunk.
ENTRY static ReturnStatus
EndDelete(segPtr, firstPage, lastPage)
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
int firstPage;
int lastPage;
register Vm_PTE *ptePtr;
Vm_VirtAddr virtAddr;
unsigned int pfNum;
ReturnStatus status = SUCCESS;
if (lastPage == segPtr->offset + segPtr->numPages - 1) {
segPtr->numPages -= lastPage - firstPage + 1;
* Free up any resident pages.
virtAddr.segPtr = segPtr;
virtAddr.sharedPtr = (Vm_SegProcList *)NIL;
for (virtAddr.page = firstPage, ptePtr = VmGetPTEPtr(segPtr, firstPage);
virtAddr.page <= lastPage;
virtAddr.page++, VmIncPTEPtr(ptePtr, 1)) {
if (*ptePtr & VM_PHYS_RES_BIT) {
if (VmPagePinned(ptePtr)) {
status = FAILURE;
goto exit;
VmMach_PageInvalidate(&virtAddr, Vm_GetPageFrame(*ptePtr), FALSE);
pfNum = Vm_GetPageFrame(*ptePtr);
*ptePtr = 0;
*ptePtr = 0;
* Release exclusive access.
segPtr->ptUserCount = 0;
segPtr->flags &= ~VM_PT_EXCL_ACC;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VmDecPTUserCount --
* Decrement the number of users of the page tables for this segment.
* If the count goes to zero then wake up anyone waiting on it.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Count of users of page table decremented.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY void
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
if (segPtr->ptUserCount == 0) {
static void StartExpansion _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr));
static void EndExpansion _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *segPtr));
static void AllocMoreSpace _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr, int newNumPages, register VmSpace *spacePtr));
* VmAddToSeg --
* Make all pages between firstPage and lastPage be in the segment's
* virtual address space.
* Results:
* An error if for some reason the range of virtual pages cannot be
* put into the segment's VAS. Otherwise SUCCESS is returned.
* Side effects:
* None.
VmAddToSeg(segPtr, firstPage, lastPage)
register Vm_Segment *segPtr; /* The segment whose VAS is to be
* modified. */
int firstPage; /* The lowest page to put into the
* VAS. */
int lastPage; /* The highest page to put into the
* VAS. */
VmSpace newSpace;
VmSpace oldSpace;
int retValue;
int newNumPages;
* The only segments that can be expanded are the stack, heap, and
* shared segments.
if (segPtr->type == VM_CODE || segPtr->type == VM_SYSTEM) {
if (segPtr->type == VM_STACK) {
newNumPages = mach_LastUserStackPage - firstPage + 1;
AllocMoreSpace(segPtr, newNumPages, &newSpace);
} else {
newNumPages = lastPage - segPtr->offset + 1;
AllocMoreSpace(segPtr, newNumPages, &newSpace);
retValue = AddToSeg(segPtr, firstPage, lastPage, newNumPages,
newSpace, &oldSpace);
if (oldSpace.spaceToFree && oldSpace.ptPtr != (Vm_PTE *)NIL) {
VmMach_SegExpand(segPtr, firstPage, lastPage);
* StartExpansion --
* Grab exclusive access to the page tables.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Page table user count incremented and VM_PT_EXCL_ACC flag set.
ENTRY static void
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
while (segPtr->ptUserCount > 0) {
(void)Sync_Wait(&segPtr->condition, FALSE);
segPtr->flags |= VM_PT_EXCL_ACC;
* EndExpansion --
* Release the lock on the page tables that prevents expansions and
* deletions from the segment.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Page table user count decremented and VM_PT_EXCL_ACC flag cleared.
ENTRY static void
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
segPtr->flags &= ~VM_PT_EXCL_ACC;
* AllocMoreSpace --
* Allocate more space for the page tables for this segment that is
* growing. endVirtPage is the highest accessible page if it is
* a heap segment and the lowest accessible page if it is a stack
* segment.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The page table might be expanded.
static void
AllocMoreSpace(segPtr, newNumPages, spacePtr)
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
int newNumPages;
register VmSpace *spacePtr;
* Find out the new size of the page table.
spacePtr->ptSize = ((newNumPages - 1)/vmPageTableInc + 1) * vmPageTableInc;
* Since page tables never get smaller we can see if the page table
* is already big enough.
if (spacePtr->ptSize <= segPtr->ptSize) {
spacePtr->ptPtr = (Vm_PTE *) NIL;
} else {
spacePtr->ptPtr = (Vm_PTE *)malloc(sizeof(Vm_PTE) * spacePtr->ptSize);
* AddToSeg --
* Make all pages between firstPage and lastPage be in the segments
* virtual address space.
* Results:
* An error if for some reason the range of virtual pages cannot be
* put into the segment's VAS. Otherwise SUCCESS is returned.
* Side effects:
* None.
ENTRY static ReturnStatus
AddToSeg(segPtr, firstPage, lastPage, newNumPages, newSpace, oldSpacePtr)
register Vm_Segment *segPtr; /* The segment to add the
* virtual pages to. */
int firstPage; /* The lowest page to put
* into the VAS. */
int lastPage; /* The highest page to put
* into the VAS. */
int newNumPages; /* The new number of pages
* that will be in the
* segment. */
VmSpace newSpace; /* Pointer to new page table
* if the segment has to
* be expanded. */
VmSpace *oldSpacePtr; /* Place to return pointer
* to space to free. */
int copySize;
int byteOffset;
register VmProcLink *procLinkPtr;
register Vm_Segment *otherSegPtr;
*oldSpacePtr = newSpace;
oldSpacePtr->spaceToFree = TRUE;
copySize = segPtr->ptSize * sizeof(Vm_PTE);
if (newNumPages > segPtr->ptSize) {
if (segPtr->type == VM_HEAP) {
* Go through all proc table entries for all processes sharing
* this segment and make sure that no stack segment is too large.
LIST_FORALL(segPtr->procList, (List_Links *) procLinkPtr) {
otherSegPtr =
if (newSpace.ptSize + segPtr->offset >= otherSegPtr->offset) {
* This isn't a stack segment so just copy the page table
* into the lower part, and zero the rest.
bcopy((Address) segPtr->ptPtr, (Address) newSpace.ptPtr, copySize);
bzero((Address) ((int) (newSpace.ptPtr) + copySize),
(newSpace.ptSize - segPtr->ptSize) * sizeof(Vm_PTE));
} else if (segPtr->type == VM_STACK) {
* Make sure that the heap segment isn't too big. If it is then
* abort.
otherSegPtr = Proc_GetCurrentProc()->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP];
if (otherSegPtr->offset + otherSegPtr->ptSize >=
mach_LastUserStackPage - newSpace.ptSize + 1) {
* In this case the current page table has to be copied to the
* high part of the new page table and the lower part has to be
* zeroed. Also the offset has to be adjusted to compensate for
* making the page table bigger than requested.
byteOffset = (newSpace.ptSize - segPtr->ptSize) * sizeof(Vm_PTE);
bcopy((Address) segPtr->ptPtr,
(Address) ((int) (newSpace.ptPtr) + byteOffset), copySize);
bzero((Address) newSpace.ptPtr, byteOffset);
segPtr->offset -= newSpace.ptSize - segPtr->ptSize;
oldSpacePtr->ptPtr = segPtr->ptPtr;
segPtr->ptPtr = newSpace.ptPtr;
segPtr->ptSize = newSpace.ptSize;
if (newNumPages > segPtr->numPages) {
segPtr->numPages = newNumPages;
* Make all pages between firstPage and lastPage zero-fill-on-demand
* members of the segment's virtual address space.
VmValidatePagesInt(segPtr, firstPage, lastPage, TRUE, FALSE);
static void IncPTUserCount _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *segPtr));
static void CopyInfo _ARGS_((register Vm_Segment *srcSegPtr, register Vm_Segment *destSegPtr, register Vm_PTE **srcPTEPtrPtr, register Vm_PTE **destPTEPtrPtr, Vm_VirtAddr *srcVirtAddrPtr, Vm_VirtAddr *destVirtAddrPtr));
ENTRY static Boolean CopyPage _ARGS_((Vm_Segment *srcSegPtr,
register Vm_PTE *srcPTEPtr, register Vm_PTE *destPTEPtr));
* Vm_SegmentDup --
* Duplicate the given segment and return a pointer to the copy in
* *destSegPtrPtr. If the segment that is being copied is shared by
* other processes then the segment could be being modified while it is
* being copied. Hence there is no guarantee that the segment will
* be in the same state after it is duplicated as it was when this
* routine was called.
* Results:
* VM_SWAP_ERROR if swap space could not be duplicated or VM_NO_SEGMENTS
* if are out of segments. Otherwise return SUCCESS.
* Side effects:
* New segment allocated, initialized and copied into.
Vm_SegmentDup(srcSegPtr, procPtr, destSegPtrPtr)
register Vm_Segment *srcSegPtr; /* Pointer to the segment to be
* duplicate. */
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* Pointer to the process for which the
* segment is being duplicated. */
Vm_Segment **destSegPtrPtr;/* Place to return pointer to new
* segment. */
register Vm_Segment *destSegPtr;
ReturnStatus status;
register Vm_PTE *srcPTEPtr;
register Vm_PTE *destPTEPtr;
Vm_PTE *tSrcPTEPtr;
Vm_PTE *tDestPTEPtr;
Vm_VirtAddr srcVirtAddr;
Vm_VirtAddr destVirtAddr;
int i;
#ifndef sequent
Address srcAddr = (Address) NIL;
Address destAddr = (Address)NIL;
Fs_Stream *newFilePtr;
if (srcSegPtr->type == VM_HEAP) {
Fsio_StreamCopy(srcSegPtr->filePtr, &newFilePtr);
} else {
newFilePtr = (Fs_Stream *) NIL;
* Prevent the source segment from being expanded.
* Allocate the segment that we are copying to.
destSegPtr = Vm_SegmentNew(srcSegPtr->type, newFilePtr,
srcSegPtr->fileAddr, srcSegPtr->numPages,
srcSegPtr->offset, procPtr);
if (destSegPtr == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
if (srcSegPtr->type == VM_HEAP) {
*destSegPtrPtr = (Vm_Segment *) NIL;
destSegPtr->flags |= VM_SEG_CREATE_TRACED;
if (vm_CanCOW) {
if (VmSegCanCOW(srcSegPtr)) {
* We are allowed to make this segment copy-on-write so do it.
if (vm_Tracing) {
Vm_TraceSegCreate segCreate;
segCreate.segNum = destSegPtr->segNum;
segCreate.parSegNum = srcSegPtr->segNum;
segCreate.segType = destSegPtr->type;
segCreate.cor = TRUE;
VmStoreTraceRec(VM_TRACE_SEG_CREATE_REC, sizeof(segCreate),
(Address)&segCreate, TRUE);
* We are allowing copy-on-write. Make a copy-on-ref image of the
* src segment in the dest segment.
VmSegFork(srcSegPtr, destSegPtr);
*destSegPtrPtr = destSegPtr;
VmSegCOWDone(srcSegPtr, FALSE);
if (vm_Tracing) {
Vm_TraceSegCreate segCreate;
segCreate.segNum = destSegPtr->segNum;
segCreate.parSegNum = srcSegPtr->segNum;
segCreate.segType = destSegPtr->type;
segCreate.cor = FALSE;
VmStoreTraceRec(VM_TRACE_SEG_CREATE_REC, sizeof(segCreate),
(Address)&segCreate, TRUE);
* No copy-on-write. Do a full fledged copy of the source segment to
* the dest segment.
CopyInfo(srcSegPtr, destSegPtr, &tSrcPTEPtr, &tDestPTEPtr, &srcVirtAddr,
* Copy over memory.
for (i = 0, srcPTEPtr = tSrcPTEPtr, destPTEPtr = tDestPTEPtr;
i < destSegPtr->numPages;
i++, VmIncPTEPtr(srcPTEPtr, 1), VmIncPTEPtr(destPTEPtr, 1),
destVirtAddr.page++, srcVirtAddr.page++) {
if (CopyPage(srcSegPtr, srcPTEPtr, destPTEPtr)) {
VmPageAllocate(&destVirtAddr, VM_CAN_BLOCK);
#ifndef sequent
if (srcAddr == (Address) NIL) {
VmMach_FlushPage(&srcVirtAddr, FALSE);
srcAddr = VmMapPage(Vm_GetPageFrame(*srcPTEPtr));
destAddr = VmMapPage(Vm_GetPageFrame(*destPTEPtr));
} else {
VmMach_FlushPage(&srcVirtAddr, FALSE);
VmRemapPage(srcAddr, Vm_GetPageFrame(*srcPTEPtr));
VmRemapPage(destAddr, Vm_GetPageFrame(*destPTEPtr));
bcopy(srcAddr, destAddr, vm_PageSize);
#else /* sequent */
#endif /* sequent */
#ifndef sequent
* Unmap any mapped pages.
if (srcAddr != (Address) NIL) {
* Copy over swap space resources.
status = VmCopySwapSpace(srcSegPtr, destSegPtr);
* If couldn't copy the swap space over then return an error.
if (status != SUCCESS) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(destSegPtr, procPtr);
*destSegPtrPtr = destSegPtr;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* IncPTUserCount --
* Increment the count of users of the page tables for the given segment.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Count of users of page table incremented.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY static void
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
while (segPtr->flags & VM_PT_EXCL_ACC) {
(void)Sync_Wait(&segPtr->condition, FALSE);
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The following routines, VmSegCanCOW, VmSegCantCOW and VmSegCOWDone,
* synchronize the marking of a segment as non-copy-on-writeable (i.e. it
* has to be copied at fork time). The routines that wire pages into a
* user's address space can't allow pages that they have wired down to all
* of a sudden become copy-on-write because this can cause page faults
* at bad times (e.g. with interrupts disabled). Thus before they wire
* pages down they make sure that the segment that the pages reside in
* cannot be made copy-on-write. They do this by calling the routine
* VmSegCantCOW. The routine above (Vm_SegmentDup) wants to decide if it
* should duplicate the segment with COW or with copy-on-fork. It decides
* what to do by calling the routine VmSegCanCOW which will return TRUE
* if the segment can be copied copy-on-write and will prevent the routine
* VmSegCantCOW from doing its thing. Once a segment has been successfully
* duplicated with COW then the routine VmSegCOWDone is called which allows
* VmSegCantCOW to proceed.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VmSegCanCOW --
* Return TRUE if can fork this segment copy-on-write. If the
* VM_SEG_COW_IN_PROGRESS flag is set then wait until its cleared
* before making the decision about whether this segment can
* be forked copy-on-write.
* Results:
* TRUE if can fork this segment copy-on-write.
* Side effects:
* VM_SEG_COW_IN_PROGRESS flag set if the can be made copy-on-write.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY Boolean
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
Boolean retVal;
while (segPtr->flags & VM_SEG_COW_IN_PROGRESS) {
(void)Sync_Wait(&segPtr->condition, FALSE);
if (segPtr->flags & VM_SEG_CANT_COW) {
retVal = FALSE;
} else {
retVal = TRUE;
segPtr->flags |= VM_SEG_COW_IN_PROGRESS;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VmSegCantCOW --
* Mark this segment such that it can no longer be made copy-on-write.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* VM_SEG_CANT_COW flag set.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
if (!VmSegCanCOW(segPtr)) {
VmSegCOWDone(segPtr, TRUE);
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VmSegCOWDone --
* A copy-on-fork operation has completed.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* VM_SEG_COW_IN_PROGRESS flag cleared.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY void
VmSegCOWDone(segPtr, cantCOW)
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
Boolean cantCOW;
if (cantCOW) {
segPtr->flags |= VM_SEG_CANT_COW;
segPtr->flags &= ~VM_SEG_COW_IN_PROGRESS;
* CopyInfo --
* Copy over pertinent information in the source including page
* tables to the destination segment.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Page table and virtual address pointers set for source and destination
* segments.
ENTRY static void
CopyInfo(srcSegPtr, destSegPtr, srcPTEPtrPtr, destPTEPtrPtr,
srcVirtAddrPtr, destVirtAddrPtr)
register Vm_Segment *srcSegPtr;
register Vm_Segment *destSegPtr;
register Vm_PTE **srcPTEPtrPtr;
register Vm_PTE **destPTEPtrPtr;
Vm_VirtAddr *srcVirtAddrPtr;
Vm_VirtAddr *destVirtAddrPtr;
if (srcSegPtr->type == VM_HEAP) {
*srcPTEPtrPtr = srcSegPtr->ptPtr;
*destPTEPtrPtr = destSegPtr->ptPtr;
destVirtAddrPtr->page = srcSegPtr->offset;
} else {
destVirtAddrPtr->page = mach_LastUserStackPage -
srcSegPtr->numPages + 1;
*srcPTEPtrPtr = VmGetPTEPtr(srcSegPtr, destVirtAddrPtr->page);
*destPTEPtrPtr = VmGetPTEPtr(destSegPtr, destVirtAddrPtr->page);
destVirtAddrPtr->segPtr = destSegPtr;
srcVirtAddrPtr->segPtr = srcSegPtr;
srcVirtAddrPtr->page = destVirtAddrPtr->page;
srcVirtAddrPtr->sharedPtr = (Vm_SegProcList *)NIL;
destVirtAddrPtr->sharedPtr = (Vm_SegProcList *)NIL;
* CopyPage --
* Determine if the page in the source segment needs to be duplicated.
* If the page is to be duplicated then return the source page frame
* locked and return TRUE. Otherwise return FALSE.
* Results:
* TRUE if page needs to be duplicated, FALSE if not.
* Side effects:
* Source page frame may be locked.
ENTRY static Boolean
CopyPage(srcSegPtr, srcPTEPtr, destPTEPtr)
Vm_Segment *srcSegPtr;
register Vm_PTE *srcPTEPtr;
register Vm_PTE *destPTEPtr;
Boolean residentPage;
while (*srcPTEPtr & VM_IN_PROGRESS_BIT) {
(void)Sync_Wait(&srcSegPtr->condition, FALSE);
residentPage = *srcPTEPtr & VM_PHYS_RES_BIT;
*destPTEPtr = *srcPTEPtr;
if (residentPage) {
* Copy over all resident pages. Can reload swapped pages but its a
* lot cheaper to do a memory-to-memory copy than send an RPC to the
* server to copy the page on swap space.
} else {
* This page is on the swap file but not in memory so we are
* going to have to copy over the swap space for this page.
* Use the in-progress bit to mark this fact.
if (*destPTEPtr & VM_ON_SWAP_BIT) {
* SegmentIncRef --
* Increment the reference count for the given segment and put it into
* the list of processes sharing this segment.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The given segment in the segment table is modified.
ENTRY static void
SegmentIncRef(segPtr, procLinkPtr)
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
register VmProcLink *procLinkPtr;
* Put the process into the list of processes sharing this segment.
List_Insert((List_Links *) procLinkPtr, LIST_ATFRONT(segPtr->procList));
* Vm_SegmentIncRef --
* Increment the reference count for the given segment and put it into
* the list of processes sharing this segment.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The given segment in the segment table is modified.
Vm_SegmentIncRef(segPtr, procPtr)
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr;
register VmProcLink *procLinkPtr;
procLinkPtr = (VmProcLink *) malloc(sizeof(VmProcLink));
procLinkPtr->procPtr = procPtr;
SegmentIncRef(segPtr, procLinkPtr);
* Vm_GetSegInfo --
* This routine takes in a pointer to a proc table entry and returns
* the segment table information for the segments that it uses.
* If the proc table entry corresponds to a migrated process,
* contact its current host.
* Results:
* SUCCESS if could get the information, SYS_ARG_NOACCESS if the
* the pointer to the segment table entries passed in are bad amd
* SYS_INVALID_ARG if one of the segment pointers in the proc table
* are bad. Or, the result from the RPC to get the migrated process's
* info.
* Side effects:
* None.
Vm_GetSegInfo(infoPtr, segID, infoSize, segBufPtr)
Proc_PCBInfo *infoPtr; /* User's copy of PCB. Contains
* pointers to segment structures.
* USER_NIL => Want to use a
* specific segment number. */
Vm_SegmentID segID; /* Segment number of get info for.
* Ignored unless previous argument
* is USER_NIL. */
int infoSize; /* Size of segment info structures */
Address segBufPtr; /* Where to store segment information.*/
Proc_PCBInfo pcbInfo;
Vm_Segment *minSegAddr, *maxSegAddr, *segPtr;
int i;
int segNum;
int bytesToCopy;
Vm_SegmentInfo segmentInfo;
int host;
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr;
ReturnStatus status;
segNum = (int) segID;
bytesToCopy = min(sizeof(Vm_SegmentInfo), infoSize);
minSegAddr = segmentTable;
maxSegAddr = &(segmentTable[vmNumSegments - 1]);
if (infoPtr != (Proc_PCBInfo *)USER_NIL) {
if (Vm_CopyIn(sizeof(pcbInfo), (Address) infoPtr,
(Address) &pcbInfo) != SUCCESS) {
* Follow remote processes. Use the peerHostID as a hint.
host = 0;
if (pcbInfo.peerHostID != (int) NIL) {
procPtr = Proc_LockPID(pcbInfo.processID);
if (procPtr != (Proc_ControlBlock *) NIL) {
if (procPtr->state == PROC_MIGRATED) {
host = procPtr->peerHostID;
for (i = VM_CODE; i <= VM_STACK; i++, segBufPtr += infoSize) {
if (pcbInfo.genFlags & PROC_KERNEL) {
segPtr = vm_SysSegPtr;
FillSegmentInfo(segPtr, &segmentInfo);
} else {
segNum = pcbInfo.vmSegments[i];
if (segNum < 0 || segNum >= vmNumSegments) {
if (host) {
status = Proc_GetRemoteSegInfo(host, segNum, &segmentInfo);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
} else {
segPtr = &segmentTable[segNum];
if (segPtr < minSegAddr || segPtr > maxSegAddr) {
FillSegmentInfo(segPtr, &segmentInfo);
if (Vm_CopyOut(bytesToCopy, (Address) &segmentInfo,
segBufPtr) != SUCCESS) {
} else if (segNum < 0 || segNum >= vmNumSegments) {
} else {
segPtr = &segmentTable[segNum];
if (segPtr < minSegAddr || segPtr > maxSegAddr) {
FillSegmentInfo(segPtr, &segmentInfo);
if (Vm_CopyOut(bytesToCopy, (Address) &segmentInfo,
segBufPtr) != SUCCESS) {
* FillSegmentInfo --
* Converts the contents of a Vm_Segment to a Vm_SegmentInfo.
* This allows the kernel definition of Vm_Segment to change without
* affecting user programs.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
static void
FillSegmentInfo(segPtr, infoPtr)
Vm_Segment *segPtr; /* Segment to convert */
Vm_SegmentInfo *infoPtr; /* Conversion result */
infoPtr->segNum = segPtr->segNum;
infoPtr->refCount = segPtr->refCount;
infoPtr->type = segPtr->type;
if (infoPtr->type == VM_CODE) {
(void)strncpy(infoPtr->objFileName, segPtr->objFileName,
infoPtr->objFileName[VM_OBJ_FILE_NAME_LENGTH -1] = '\0';
} else {
infoPtr->objFileName[0] = '\0';
infoPtr->numPages = segPtr->numPages;
infoPtr->ptSize = segPtr->ptSize;
infoPtr->resPages = segPtr->resPages;
infoPtr->flags = segPtr->flags;
infoPtr->ptUserCount = segPtr->ptUserCount;
infoPtr->numCOWPages = segPtr->numCOWPages;
infoPtr->numCORPages = segPtr->numCORPages;
infoPtr->minAddr = segPtr->minAddr;
infoPtr->maxAddr = segPtr->maxAddr;
infoPtr->traceTime = segPtr->traceTime;
* VmGetSegPtr --
* Return a pointer to the given segment.
* Results:
* Pointer to given segment.
* Side effects:
* None.
Vm_Segment *
int segNum;
* Vm_EncapSegInfo --
* Encapsulate information for a particular segment. This is used
* to send info to other hosts (for ps, e.g.).
* Results:
* SUCCESS, or invalid arg if the segment doesn't exist.
* Side effects:
* None.
Vm_EncapSegInfo(segNum, infoPtr)
int segNum; /* Number of the segment. */
Vm_SegmentInfo *infoPtr; /* Pointer to encapsulated data. */
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
segPtr = &segmentTable[segNum];
if (segPtr < segmentTable ||
segPtr > &(segmentTable[vmNumSegments - 1])) {
FillSegmentInfo(segPtr, infoPtr);
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VmTraceSegStart --
* Reset all segment trace times and dump a creation record for
* each in-use segment.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* All segment trace times are set to 0.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int i;
Vm_Segment *segPtr;
for (i = 0, segPtr = segmentTable; i < vmNumSegments; i++, segPtr++) {
segPtr->traceTime = 0;
if (segPtr->refCount > 0 ||
(segPtr->flags & VM_SEG_INACTIVE)) {
Vm_TraceSegCreate segCreate;
segCreate.segNum = segPtr->segNum;
segCreate.parSegNum = -1;
segCreate.segType = segPtr->type;
segCreate.cor = segPtr->numCORPages > 0;
VmStoreTraceRec(VM_TRACE_SEG_CREATE_REC, sizeof(segCreate),
(Address)&segCreate, TRUE);
segPtr->flags |= VM_SEG_CREATE_TRACED;